Reception 2024 - 2025


Welcome to

Reception at Richmond Hill Primary Academy

We have two Reception Classes

Meet the FS staff:

Mrs Johnson-Quinn – F2 Class Teacher/EYFS Lead

Mrs Walker – F2 Class Teacher

Mrs Frost – Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA)

Miss Eliff - Teaching Assistant

At Richmond Hill Primary Academy we provide the secure, homely and loving environment that is so essential in meeting the needs of each child, ensuring that well-being and involvement is our paramount concern as we settle your child into their new learning environment.

We combine flexibility with a comforting structure wherein each child is an individual. Individual needs are highly respected. Self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence and independence are developed.

A partnership with parents is fostered and valued and we ask you to help us as partners in developing your child’s learning. We hope that in encouraging an effective partnership between home and school, we can help your child become an independent learner. It is very important to us that your child is happy at Richmond Hill. We have an open door policy and parents are welcome to come and speak with us if they have a query. Contact:


A typical day in F2

8.45 Registration and Maths Meeting

9.00 – 10.00 Phonics

10:00 - 10:15 Snack

10.15 – 11.15 Maths/Outdoor Learning

11.15 – 11.35 Talk Through Stories

11.45 - 12.55 Lunch

12.55 - 1.30 Registration and Assembly

1.30 - 2.45 Cornerstones/Topic and Continuous Provision *PE Lessons with Mr Burke on MONDAYS

2.45 - 3.15 Story and home time prep

Home Learning

Children are encouraged to read daily at home just as we do in school, sharing stories with adults and joining in with known repeated refrains.   We celebrate home reading with our ‘reader leader’ initiative, children are rewarded with merits when 5 reads per week are recorded in their reading diaries and are entered into our weekly raffle. Each week you will find links on the Home Learning tab that can be accessed at home to revisit learning. 

We will send ideas for activities you might like to do at home linked to Maths Units and topics as and when via email.

Aims of the Foundation Stage

  • That each child should be provided with the opportunities, skills and environment that enables them to develop into active, confident and independent learners.
  • To foster an effective partnership between home and school.
  • To maintain a safe but challenging environment in which each child can be helped to develop to his/her full potential.
  • To develop social, moral, cultural and spiritual awareness in our children.
  • To foster in the children a belief in their own worth and enable each child to become increasingly confident, independent and able to make their own considered choices.
  • To ensure that each child regardless of gender, race, culture or ability, is given an equal opportunity to develop to his/her full potential.
  • That there is continuity between Reception classes and Key Stage One and effective liaison to support this transition.
  • To develop a positive approach to the acquisition of new skills that will provide a firm foundation for future learning.


  • At Richmond Hill Primary School, we believe that well-planned play, both indoors and outdoors, is a key way in which young children learn with enjoyment and challenge. Through play, children can develop an understanding of the world around them. They can practise and build up ideas, concepts and skills. They learn how to control impulses and to understand the need for rules. They can take risks and make mistakes, think creatively and imaginatively.

    During play children learn how to communicate with others as they investigate or solve problems. They are able to express fears or relive anxious experiences in controlled and safe situations. They can be alone, be alongside others or cooperate as they talk or rehearse their feelings. We can help children to learn through their play by planning and resourcing a challenging environment, supporting children’s learning through planned play activity, extending and supporting children’s spontaneous play and developing children’s language and communication in their play.

    As the children progress through the Foundation Stage the child initiated ratio to adult led activities reduces as we prepare our children for transition into Year 1- the first year in the next key stage of their academic career known as Key Stage 1.


Before starting school, it is helpful if your child could do some or all of the following.

  • Dress and undress independently (as they will need to do this for P.E.)
  • Change their shoes 
  • Use the toilet independently
  • Wash and dry hands
  • Tidy away toys
  • Have a preference for dominant hand
  • Put on their coat and do the zip or buttons up
  • Write some or all of their name
  • Select resources to match their planned activities



Early Reading and Literacy In F2

WE LOVE READING! Reading and Writing is based on Ruth Miskin's Read Write Inc Programmme. Children will be introduced to sounds, play games with phonics we call fred games. They will then learn to blend sounds to read words and when the children are ready, they will bring home the phonics reading book that they have worked on during the week. When needed children will acces 1 to 1 daily interventions to keep on track.

Why talk is important when reading with your child. What the experts say  Click the link

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RWI You Tube Link *Important information to support your child's reading*

Storytime with your teachers:

Five Minutes Peace

Giraffes Can't Dance

Time for a Hug


Maths In F2     

The ‘mastery approach’ to teaching mathematics is the underlying principle of Mathematics Mastery. Instead of learning mathematical procedures by rote, we want your child to build a deep understanding of concepts which will enable them to apply their learning in different situations. To achieve this  we aim to develop pupils’ Conceptual Understanding, Mathematical Thinking and Language and Communication. 

Success for all

At school we believe all pupils can achieve success in maths. We encourage pupils to have a ‘growth mindset’ – a belief that effort leads to success and that challenges are opportunities to learn.

Here are a few tips to encourage your children at home with maths: 

üTalk to your child about everyday maths
üPlay games with them
üValue mistakes as learning opportunities
üRecognise that there is more than one way to work things out.
üPraise your child for effort over outcome.
üAvoid saying things like “I’m useless at maths”.


This Term - 'Ready Steady Grow'

In the Ready Steady Grow project your child will take part in practical activities to explore where food comes from. They will learn what seeds and plants need to grow and grow a variety of plants. They will explore what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, including eating fruit and vegetables, exercise and teeth brushing. They will find out about life on a farm and about baby animals.

Supporting your child at home

  • Visit your local library and find books about farms to share.
  • Make a shopping list together and go to the shops to buy the food.
  • Grow some quick growing plants or make a cress head.
  • Talk about healthy foods.


Oral Hygiene

Are you having trouble getting your child to brush their teeth to an acceptable standard? The links below will take you to fun and free websites or apps to help you with this every day important job

Brush DJ!

Hey Duggee earn a badge!


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Reception: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Get in Touch

Richmond Hill Primary Academy

Melton Road, Sprotbrough, Doncaster, DN57SB

01302 782421


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