
Please see below for a full listing of our most recent KS2 results, and links to our Government Performance Tables & KS1 Results.

Performance Results


Key Stage 2 SATs Results 2019 (Unvalidated)

Subject RHPA 2017 RHPA 2018 RHPA 2019 National 2019
Writing (Teacher Assessment) 74% 81% 88% 78%
Reading 55% 70% 77% 73%
Mathematics 79% 86% 76% 79%
SPAG 76% 83% 70% 78%
Reading, Writing & Maths Combined 52% 67% 66% 65%

Percentage of pupils achieving Greater Depth (a scaled score of 110 or above)

Subject RHPA 2017 RHPA 2018 RHPA 2019 National 2019
Writing (Teacher Assessment) 17% 25% 34% 20%
Reading 12% 18% 23% 27%
Mathematics 16% 12% 30% 27%
SPAG 28% 26% 20% 36%
Reading, Writing and Maths Combined 3% 2% 14% 11%

Average scaled score per pupil

Subject RHPA 2017 RHPA 2018 RHPA 2019 National
Reading 100 103 105 104
Maths 103 103 105 105
SPAG 105 105 103 106

Progress Measures

The school progress measures compares the progress made by the cohort of children in comparison to schools with similar prior attainment nationally. A positive score means pupils do better during KS2 than those nationally with similar end of KS1 results. A negative score (between -3 to 0) is broadly average – below 5 is below floor standards for progress measures.

Subject RHPA 2017 RHPA 2018 RHPA 2019 National
Reading -2.06 -1.8 -0.9 0
Writing +0.74 +0.8 +1.2 0
Maths +0.74 -0.7 -1.0 0

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Richmond Hill Primary Academy

Melton Road, Sprotbrough, Doncaster, DN57SB

01302 782421


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