Physical Education
Welcome to Physical Education at Richmond Hill Primary Academy
Led by Clare Scanlon. Taught by Brandon Burke and class teachers. Supported by Leger Sports, Complete Coaching Solutions, Craig Dallas at School games and Real PE. Sports links with Hill House, the Ridgewood School pyramid, The Rose Learning Trust schools along with competitions led by School Games and Leger Sports.
Please see attached our school Sports Premium Expenditure plan for the academic year 2022/2023
Sports Premium Expenditure Plan 2022-2023
Please see attached how we plan to spend our school Sports Premium Expenditure for the academic year 2021-2022.
Sports Premium Expenditure Plan 2023-24
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We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded Platinum School Games for the academic year 2021/2022 into 2022/2023.
PE is a vital part of school life and ultimately children’s future well-being. It is our intent to provide an inclusive, broad and balanced PE curriculum that ensures ALL children will benefit, whether through enhancing existing skills, learning new skills or being introduced to a range of sports, teams and local organisations.
It is our intent to ensure children understand the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle and to equip them with the tools to do so through health and well-being education. We do this through weekly PE sessions and PSHE sessions, but we also celebrate this by completing an annual 'Sports Activty Week'.
We believe that participation in physical activity is key to developing children who are proud of themselves, their peers/ team mates and also the community in which they belong. As a school we place great emphasis on providing opportunities beyond the weekly lessons with after-school clubs, inter-school competitions and regular competitions within the community. We believe this links directly with our school’s CARE values of collaboration, aspiration, resilience and endevour and is another way in which we can positively engage with our local community.
Term |
Competitions |
Autumn Term |
· Hit the ground running (virtual) · Sports Hall athletics (moved to virtual) competed · |
Spring Term |
· Swimming comp (Y4/5) (cancelled) · Pyramid basketball tournament (Ridgewood) Y3/4 · Girls Football festival (Active Fusion) · Winter Olympics (virtual) · Cheerleading
Summer Term |
· Quad kids competition · Girls football festival · KS1 All Stars cricket festival · Girls Cricket festival · Cricket competition · Sports Activity Week · Sports Day
Our PE curriculum is supported by Real PE. All staff have been trained in the implementation of the sessions and also the use of the platform Jasmine where the curriculum can be accessed.
Our PE instructor Mr Burke, teaches PE sessions in each year group during the class teacher's PPA time. During these sessions in KS2 he focuses on Football, dance, gymnastics, indoor athletics, golf, hockey, tennis, kwik cricket, track and field athletic events and outdoor and adventurous activity. You can see the full long term plan here. This academic year we will be supported by Kixx to support the teaching of gymnastics and dance, along with nurture sessions and playground leader training.
PE Long Term Plans for PE Instructor and class teacher lessons
With both our PE instructor and committed staff, the children receive weekly PE lessons which are mapped out following a broad and balanced curriculum using Real PE and Real Gym alongside skills our PE instructor has intensive training in. Staff are trained in the programme and lesson plans are followed via the Jasmine platform. Real PE gives every child the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to achieve in PE, Sport and life. It is fully aligned to the National Curriculum and Ofsted requirements and focuses on the development of agility, balance and coordination, healthy competition and cooperative learning through a unique and market leading approach to teaching and learning in PE.
Please see the Real PE plan for each year group.
This academic year we are supported by Kixx. They will be supporting the teaching of gymnastics and dance, providing a breakfast club and an after school club, along with training the children in playground leaders and providing a weekly nurture group fpr the children. We will also keep competitive sport at the heart of our school by providing opportunities to compete by entering the School Games. This comprises of both Intra and Inter-school competitions leading to County Finals as well as a biennial National Final's event. We will also be suported by Complete Coaching Solutions who will provide a sensory breakfast club twice a week along, extra sporting sessions and an after school club once a week. They also support us during our healthy week.
Each year group receives a minimum of 2 hours of PE each week with additional sporting clubs run before and after school and activities provided during lunch times. In the spring term children in Year 5 are trained as playground Leaders twice a week for 12 weeks, with the aim to provide sporting opportunities for all children in KS2. There will be
Swimming is taught in Year 5, spending a term at the pool in order to achieve the required distance of 25m. This year this will take place in Spring Term 1.
Children have the opportunities to participate in a wealth of competitions through inter-school competitions and intra-school competitions in our school's MAT and many other competitions throughout the local authority. We have recently built links with our feeder school Ridgewood to compete against other schools in the pyramid in a variety of sports.
Sports Activity Week
For one week a year, Richmond Hill focuses the whole week on being healthy. During this week the children compete in track and field events against other houses in school. There is also many opportunities for them to have a go at sports they may not usually try including street dance, football, athletics, dodgeball, boccia, yoga, cricket and freestyle football. The children also have lessons about healthy eating and keeping themselves clean. At our last Sports week, we were extremely lucky for our launch to be led by Olympian Beth Dobbin who gave an inspiring talk about her journey.
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The aim is that our extensive PE curriculum will impact greatly on our children’s ability to acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to make appropriate choices about their physical and mental health. The curriculum will develop positive self-awareness in children as they become physically competent. They will also demonstrate a healthy attitude to competition, showing respect for individuals, teams, officials and coaches.
All children will be assessed against the Key Performance Indicators for PE and will be monitored through the assessment wheel on Real PE, assessing against the FUNdamental movement skills and the multi-ability cogs - which include creative, social, cognitive, personal skills alongside the physical element of PE. These observations take place through Mr Burke at the start and end of the year, with support from the class teacher.
We hope to see our CARE (collaboration, aspiration, resilience and endevour) ethos reflected in all our children.