Remote Learning
Richmond Hill Remote Education Provision: Information for parents
This information sets out what parents can expect from Richmond Hill’s remote education provision where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home. It will also set out details of what to expect should pupils need to self-isolate.
The Remote Curriculum: What is taught to pupils at home
We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school however the medium in which our curriculum is delivered online means we have needed to make some adaptations for some strategies we would normally use in school.
Our School Spider website platform hosts the schools Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). This area is password protected and outlines the Remote learning for the week ahead. We make the learning available in advance to allow you to print any resources should you require from the platform. To access this area you go via your child’s year group page. On the page you will see at the top VLE access tabs. Click on the tab and enter your password ( sent to you via email) then the VLE will be visible. The curriculum covered is organised in timetable format. The area also hosts the homelearning throughout the year which is a separate tab, home learning such as maths with parents is located here.
We expect that remote education (including remote teaching and independent work) will take pupils broadly the following:
- On average for Early years & Key stage 1 this will be 3 hours
- On average for Key stage 2 this will be 4 hours.
This will be a blended approach of Live lessons, independent tasks, feedback sessions & pre-recorded lessons
You will receive the login details directly to your email address to access the three daily live teaching zoom lessons.
If your child does not have access to the internet or technology at home please contact the school office as there are ways the school can support to ensure access for all. The may be in the form of school loan of digital devices and internet dongal or collection of resources e.g book for novel study. The school has a supply of chrome books that are configured for use in school and remotely in the home. Parents can find more information via the email address. With each loan the school will supply the instruction and care pack for the device. Parents can use the same email to request support for dongals. Any printed materials that may be required should be requested via your child’s class teacher using the year group communication email – these will then be prepared ready for collection from the office. Learning is submitted to staff via the year group email or can be returned to the main school office via the year group drop baskets.
We begin with a live registration check in each morning and welcome our children. The lessons consist of 3 Live zoom Lessons per day for pupils one at 9:30am one at 11:00am and one at 1pm. Lessons will be a mixture of live lessons, tasks, activities, books and recorded lessons. Recorded lessons will either be part of the schools curriculum for example Ruth Miskins phonics lessons or lessons from Oak National Academy that have been mapped across to the school curriculum. Live lessons follow the in school curriculum alongside pedagogical strategies being familiar in structure to our children for example; mathematics mastery, maths meetings, novel study, phonics lessons, cornerstones topic. The VLE and resources remain on the page for half a term in a blended approach. This enables pupils to revisit concepts and learning around the home situation, address any problems families may encounter with loss of connection or missing information, and can act as retrieval practice for pupils who may need to revisit concepts.
We understand through working with our families that everyone is in a different situation around remote learning and have taken this blended approach to support as many families as possible.
The zoom live lessons are a great way for us to feel connected back to Richmond Hill. Whether a child is learning at home or is learning in school presently the Zoom lessons allow for all to feel connected together. It’s a chance for peers to see one another and say ‘Hello’ and for all to celebrate the achievements of the class. The expectation is for all pupils to engage in the three live teaching zooms each day and registration of each session is conducted. Where a pupil is not being seen to engage this will be followed up firstly by class teacher with a phone call home and then if this continues the schools inclusion team will follow this up. It is helpful to establish these routines to support our pupils remote education.
We will assess our pupils learning and progress in a range of forms. Assessment for learning practices are embedded within the school pedagogy therefore methods such as whole group feedback, individual feedback, peer feedback, the use of the chat function to submit responses to questions posed, submission of learning via our indivudal pupil virtual learning environemnt, whereby the children recieve individual feedback for any piece of work submitted. They also have the opportunity to collaborate and discuss their learning with their peers, using this function. Whole group feedback is then given at the beginning of the live zoom lessons, using AFL from marking the children's work.
We recognise that some pupils may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home this may be because they are younger pupils or that they have a SEND need. We acknowledge the difficulties this can place on our families. We work with parents & carers to support in the following ways:
- Ensure that the information for learning is in the same format as at school in order to create familiarity for pupils and also minimise working memory capacity.
- Additional resources or ideas for home based resources if required to aid with learning for example manipulatives for maths
- SEND area on the website signposting to helpful resources
Remote Education for self- isolating pupils:
Where individual pupils need to self- isolate but the majority of the year group remain at school pupils will still access the VLE and Remote learning along with feedback as described but there will be no live teaching element via Zoom.